Editorial Board


Prof. Max Reuter, University College London, UK.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary genet­i­cist inter­ested in how the genet­ic encod­ing of traits affects and inter­feres with adapt­a­tion. My group stud­ies aspects of this ques­tion using fruit flies (sex-spe­cif­ic evol­u­tion and sexu­al ant­ag­on­ism) and fis­sion yeast (mul­tivari­ate responses to envir­on­ment­al stressors). The work com­bines labor­at­ory exper­i­ment­a­tion, gen­om­ics and bioin­form­at­ics, and some theory.

I have been an ESEB mem­ber and reg­u­lar con­fer­ence attendee since present­ing my Mas­ters thes­is in Arnhem in 1997. I star­ted my term as Edit­or in Chief in the sum­mer of 2021. 

Bluesky: @maxreuter.bsky.social

Managing Editor

Dr. Nicola Cook, European Society of Evolutionary Biology.

As Man­aging Edit­or, I think I have one of the best seats in the house. I see first-hand the broad range of research ques­tions being tackled by our evol­u­tion com­munity. It is a pleas­ure to work with our authors, our Edit­or­i­al Board, our review­ers and our pro­duc­tion team at OUP to guide manu­scripts through the peer review pro­cess and to pro­mote the fant­ast­ic research pub­lished in our soci­ety journal. 

I have a back­ground in evol­u­tion­ary genet­ics with 7 years postdoc­tor­al exper­i­ence pri­or to tak­ing on the role of man­aging JEB in 2020. I had been a mem­ber of ESEB since early in my career. 

Bluesky: @evonicki.bsky.social

Commissioning Editor

Dr. Richard Meisel, University of Houston, USA.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gist who uses genet­ic and gen­om­ic approaches to under­stand how and why envir­on­ment­al het­ero­gen­eity and sex dif­fer­ences affect vari­ation with­in spe­cies and dif­fer­ences across pop­u­la­tions. Most of my research uses a vari­ety of fly spe­cies as mod­el organ­isms to study the evol­u­tion of sex chro­mo­somes, sex determ­in­a­tion, and the innate immune response to bac­teri­al infection. 

As Com­mis­sion­ing Edit­or, I strive to increase the diversity of top­ics covered in spe­cial issues and review art­icles, includ­ing excit­ing new areas of study that have not pre­vi­ously been covered in JEB. I pride myself in being a sup­port­er of and advoc­ate for sci­entif­ic soci­et­ies and the journ­als they pub­lish. Pri­or to serving on the JEB edit­or­i­al board, I was an Asso­ci­ate Edit­or at Evol­u­tion. 

Bluesky: @richmeisel.bsky.social

Data Editor

Dr. Sebastian Lequime, University of Groningen, Netherlands.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary vir­o­lo­gist, using gen­om­ics to explore RNA vir­us eco­logy and evol­u­tion in mul­tiple host organ­isms, from recent epi­dem­ics to deep evol­u­tion­ary his­tor­ies of these fas­cin­at­ing parasites. 

As Data Edit­or for JEB, I assist authors in shar­ing their data and code, not only to com­ply with the journal’s require­ments but also to allow rep­lic­a­tion and re-use of pub­lished data. I firmly believe that Open Sci­ence strongly sup­ports the excel­lent work pub­lished in JEB, and dir­ectly bene­fits authors and the whole evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy com­munity, from under­gradu­ate stu­dents to estab­lished researchers.

Bluesky: @slequime.bsky.social

Handling Editors

Dr. Rebekah Rogers, University of North Carolina, Charlotte, USA.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary genet­i­cist work­ing in the field of genet­ic nov­elty.  How do new genes appear in nat­ur­al pop­u­la­tions?  How do selec­tion and drift act on that vari­ation?  Duplic­a­tions, dele­tions, TEs, and rearrange­ments are a cent­ral focus.  We are inter­ested in how these muta­tions may serve as ‘hope­ful mon­sters’, espe­cially under rap­id or drastic shifts in select­ive pressures. 

As the fields of genet­ics and molecu­lar eco­logy expand into new non-mod­el spe­cies, JEB offers a ven­ue that can sup­port these grow­ing research aven­ues.  As Hand­ling Edit­or, my primary goal is to offer a fair review pro­cess for authors, and a con­struct­ive path for pub­lic­a­tions that advance our under­stand­ing of evolution. 

X: @evolscientist  Bluesky: @evolscientist.bsky.social

Dr. Xiang-Yi Li Richter, University of Konstanz, Germany, and University of Bern, Switzerland.

My research focuses on the evol­u­tion of col­lect­ive social beha­viours in anim­als and microor­gan­isms. I work on devel­op­ing Evol­u­tion­ary Game The­ory and its applic­a­tions to study how com­plex biot­ic inter­ac­tions play out in spa­tially het­ero­gen­eous and tem­por­ally vary­ing nat­ur­al and social envir­on­ments. I also use wet-lab exper­i­ments with microor­gan­isms to test mod­el pre­dic­tions, and col­lab­or­ate with gen­om­icists, phys­i­cists, and food sci­ent­ists to answer multi-dis­cip­lin­ary questions.

I have been an ESEB mem­ber and a reg­u­lar attendee at ESEB con­fer­ences since 2016. As a hand­ling edit­or, I want to help raise JEB’s vis­ib­il­ity and to attract high-qual­ity sub­mis­sions from authors worldwide. 

Dr. Alejandro Gonzalez-Voyer, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México (UNAM), Mexico.

I am a mac­ro­e­volu­tion­ary bio­lo­gist study­ing how phen­o­types evolve, how spe­cies rich­ness accu­mu­lates and the factors that drive it. I mostly employ phylo­gen­et­ic com­par­at­ive meth­ods across a diversity of sys­tems, includ­ing Neo­trop­ic­al amphi­bi­ans, kil­li­fish, Afric­an cich­lids, birds, mam­mals, and angiosperms.

Dur­ing my postdocs in Sweden and Spain I was lucky to join the ESEB com­munity by attend­ing the con­gresses, which I found both inspir­ing and fun. As Hand­ling Edit­or I am for­tu­nate to read a diversity of very inter­est­ing work and I strive to make the review pro­cess smooth and con­struct­ive for our authors.

Bluesky: @agonzalezvoyer.bsky.social

Dr. Trine Bilde, Aarhus University, Denmark.

I am a research­er in evol­u­tion­ary eco­logy and genet­ics and I am inter­ested in group liv­ing, cooper­a­tion and mat­ing sys­tems, gen­om­ic con­sequences of social­ity and inbred mat­ing sys­tems, genet­ic and non-genet­ic pro­cesses involved in adaptation. 

Bluesky: @trinebilde.bsky.social

Associate Editors

Our board of Asso­ci­ate Edit­ors are all evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gists, act­ive in research and pas­sion­ate about their field. Their expert­ise cov­ers a vast range of top­ics that fall with­in the scope of our soci­ety journ­al. All are com­mit­ted to hand­ling manu­scripts that come into their hands with fair­ness, trans­par­ency and care.

Diala Abu Awad, Université Paris-Saclay, France.

I am a the­or­et­ic­al pop­u­la­tion genet­i­cist work­ing to devel­op mod­els that account for com­plex genet­ic pro­cesses impact­ing the tra­ject­or­ies of spe­cies evol­u­tion. I am also inter­ested in expli­citly integ­rat­ing life-his­tory traits (self-fer­til­isa­tion, seed-dormancy, life-span, etc.) to under­stand how such traits affect selec­tion and adaptation.

Frédéric Austerlitz, CNRS, Paris, France.

I work on the­or­et­ic­al pop­u­la­tion genet­ics, devel­op­ing mod­els to study the impact of demo­graph­ic, select­ive and cul­tur­al pro­cesses on gen­om­ic diversity. Con­versely, I devel­op meth­ods to infer these pro­cesses from gen­om­ic diversity.

Neda Barghi, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Plön, Germany.

I am inter­ested in the genet­ic basis of adapt­a­tion in poly­gen­ic and quant­it­at­ive traits. I integ­rate exper­i­ment­al evol­u­tion in Dro­so­phila and com­puter sim­u­la­tions to study the pat­terns of rap­id adapt­ive pro­cesses and factors that con­trib­ute to these pro­cesses such as pleio­tropy and stand­ing genet­ic variation.

X: @NedaBarghi

Joris Bertrand, University of Perpignan Via Domitia, France.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gist, primar­ily inter­ested in how loc­al adapt­a­tion shapes repro­duct­ive isol­a­tion at early stages of pop­u­la­tion diver­gence. I focus on the use and devel­op­ment of integ­rat­ive approaches (based on multi-omic and envir­on­ment­al data) to bet­ter under­stand the link between gen­ome, phe­nome and fit­ness. Across my career I have worked on birds, mar­ine organ­isms (espe­cially cor­al reef fishes) and plants (mostly bee orchids).

I am also inter­ested in biogeo­graphy of spe­cies and regions, con­ser­va­tion bio­logy, sys­tem­at­ics and taxonomy.

Bluesky: @jorisbertrand.bsky.social

Josefa Bleu, University of Strasbourg, France.

My research lies at the inter­face between pop­u­la­tion eco­logy, evol­u­tion­ary eco­logy, eco­physiology and eco­tox­ic­o­logy. I am inter­ested in the effects of the envir­on­ment, in par­tic­u­lar urb­an envir­on­ment and met­al pol­lu­tion, on life-his­tory traits and physiology, with a par­tic­u­lar focus on the effects  of the par­ent­al envir­on­ment on their young.

Loreta Brandao De Freitas, Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil.

My research interest is plant evol­u­tion, with an emphas­is on the mech­an­isms under­ly­ing diver­si­fic­a­tion and spe­ci­ation. To explore the com­plex pro­cesses that drive plant evol­u­tion at tem­por­al and spa­tial scales, my research employs a range of approaches, includ­ing phylo­gen­et­ics, phylo­geo­graphy, pop­u­la­tion gen­om­ics, demo­graph­ic mod­el­ling, and eco­lo­gic­al interactions.

Ignacio Bravo, CNRS, Montpellier, France.

I keep two main research lines. I am first inter­ested in the func­tion­al and evol­u­tion­ary import­ance of noise and fidel­ity dur­ing inform­a­tion flow in bio­logy. I am also inter­ested in the applic­a­tion of evol­u­tion­ary think­ing as a cent­ral ele­ment to under­stand the prox­im­ate and ulti­mate ori­gins of can­cer: from molecu­lar mech­an­isms and func­tions to adapt­a­tion; from the nat­ur­al his­tory of the infec­tion in the patient to the evol­u­tion of can­cer sus­cept­ib­il­ity across species.

Pau Carazo, University of Valencia, Spain.

I am gen­er­ally inter­ested in the evol­u­tion and func­tion of beha­viour, and in the role that beha­viour plays as a spear­head of evol­u­tion­ary change. Cur­rently, my main line of research is on biot­ic and abi­ot­ic factors mod­u­lat­ing the intens­ity of sexu­al selec­tion and sexu­al con­flict, and its con­sequences in terms of pop­u­la­tion viability.

X: @paucarazo

Christopher Cooney, University of Sheffield, UK.

My research focuses on under­stand­ing the pro­cesses shap­ing the diversity of life, par­tic­u­larly the role of eco­lo­gic­al, social and evol­u­tion­ary pro­cesses in driv­ing the dynam­ics of phen­o­typ­ic evol­u­tion and spe­ci­ation. I devel­op and apply phylo­gen­et­ic com­par­at­ive meth­ods to address broad ques­tions in mac­ro­e­volu­tion and mac­roe­co­logy. Much of my work focuses on birds, but I fre­quently study a range of oth­er anim­al taxa (e.g. rep­tiles, mam­mals, fish, insects).

X: @ChrisCooney101

Salvatore Cozzolino, University of Naples Federico II, Italy.

I am inter­ested in evol­u­tion­ary pro­cesses in plants. Cur­rent research pro­jects focus on the genet­ic basis of adapt­a­tion, the evol­u­tion of repro­duct­ive isol­a­tion and spe­ci­ation. In par­tic­u­lar I invest­ig­ate how dif­fer­ent inter­ac­tions of plants with their pol­lin­at­ors impact on the evol­u­tion of plant lin­eages and how pol­lin­at­or beha­vi­or impacts selec­tion on plants.

Scott Egan, Rice University, USA.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gist that spe­cial­ises in the study of spe­ci­ation, the evol­u­tion of eco­lo­gic­al spe­cial­isa­tion, and the eco­logy of plant-insect inter­ac­tions at the pop­u­la­tion scale. To address these top­ics, my lab uses a mul­tidiscip­lin­ary approach that integ­rates pop­u­la­tion genet­ics and gen­om­ics, nat­ur­al his­tory, beha­vi­our­al obser­va­tions, and manip­u­lat­ive field exper­i­ments, and we work on wide array of study sys­tems, includ­ing soap­berry bugs (Hemi­ptera), leaf beetles (Cole­optera), gall wasps and their para­sit­oids (Hymen­op­tera).

Bluesky: @scottpegan.bsky.social X: @scottpegan

Carmelo Fruciano, Institute for Marine Biological Resources and Biotechnology (IRBIM), Italy.

I am broadly inter­ested in phen­o­typ­ic evol­u­tion as well as its gen­om­ic, tran­scrip­tom­ic and eco­lo­gic­al cor­rel­ates. I have a strong meth­od­o­lo­gic­al interest in geo­met­ric morpho­met­ric tech­niques but in my empir­ic­al work I strive for an integ­rat­ive approach and try to com­bine — ideally quant­it­at­ively — dif­fer­ent data types. I have been work­ing on sev­er­al top­ics of gen­er­al interest includ­ing spe­ci­ation, adapt­a­tion, micro- and macro-evol­u­tion­ary patterns.

X: @CarmeloFruciano

Jenna Gallie, Max Planck Institute for Evolutionary Biology, Germany.

I invest­ig­ate fun­da­ment­al evol­u­tion­ary prin­ciples using microbes. Cur­rently, my work focuses on the evol­u­tion of gen­ome con­tent, with emphas­is on tRNA gene sets and pro­tein syn­thes­is. I am also inter­ested in genet­ic and molecu­lar routes to biofilm formation. 

X: @gallie_jenna

Tim Janicke, Centre d’Ecologie Fonctionnelle & Evolutive (CEFE), France.

I am inter­ested in the evol­u­tion­ary causes and con­sequences of sex dif­fer­ences with a par­tic­u­lar focus on sexu­al selec­tion, sexu­al con­flict, sex roles, sex alloc­a­tion, and mat­ing sys­tems. To explore these top­ics, I com­bine exper­i­ment­al approaches (mainly with insects, flat­worms, and fresh­wa­ter snails) with meta-ana­lyses to gain a broad­er perspective.

Bluesky: @timjanicke.bsky.social

Rob Knell, University of Hull, UK.

Evol­u­tion­ary eco­lo­gist work­ing on mat­ing sys­tems and adapt­a­tion to chan­ging envir­on­ments. Mostly insects but open to the exist­ence of oth­er animals.

Bluesky: @robknell.bsky.social

Carolin Kosiol, University of St Andrews, UK.

I am a com­pu­ta­tion­al bio­lo­gist using phylo­gen­et­ics and pop­u­la­tion genet­ics to study the evol­u­tion­ary his­tor­ies. In par­tic­u­lar, I am inter­ested in the devel­op­ment of meth­ods for the recon­struc­tion of spe­cies trees and for exper­i­ment­al evol­u­tion stud­ies with the aim to under­stand evol­u­tion­ary forces act­ing in pop­u­la­tions over mil­lions of years as well as over a few gen­er­a­tions from gen­ome-wide data.

X: @KosiolG

Erica Larson, University of Denver, USA.

I study spe­ci­ation and the evol­u­tion of repro­duct­ive traits.

X: @ericallarson

Arnaud Le Rouzic, Université Paris-Saclay, France.

I am a the­or­et­ic­al evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gist, inter­ested in a broad range of ques­tions in pop­u­la­tion and quant­it­at­ive genet­ics. My recent research activ­ity focuses on gen­ome evol­u­tion, try­ing to com­bine the­or­et­ic­al pre­dic­tions and empir­ic­al data from exper­i­ment­al evolution. 

Mas­to­don: @arnaudlerouzic@fediscience.org

Carita Lindstedt-Kareksela, University of Helsinki, Finland.

I study exper­i­ment­ally how nat­ur­al selec­tion shapes adapt­a­tion and diversity in cooper­at­ive strategies, sig­nalling and anti-pred­at­or defences using both field- and lab-based insect study sys­tems. Key areas in my research are evol­u­tion of social beha­viour (e.g. cooper­a­tion and group liv­ing), warn­ing sig­nal evol­u­tion, pred­at­or-prey inter­ac­tions and anti­pred­at­or defence strategies, life-his­tory evol­u­tion, plant-herb­i­vore and host-patho­gen inter­ac­tions and forest entomology. 

X: @LindstedtCarita

Wen-Juan Ma, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium.

I am broadly inter­ested in sexu­al con­flict and genet­ic con­flict, and espe­cially pas­sion­ate about the evol­u­tion of sex chro­mo­somes and their diversity, sex determ­in­a­tion, partheno­gen­es­is, mei­ot­ic drive, poly­ploidy and spe­ci­ation. I address these ques­tions using amphi­bi­ans, Dro­so­phila and wasps, plants and Micro­botry­um fungi systems.

X: @WenJuanMa84

Lucas Marie-Orleach, Université de Tours, France.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gist broadly inter­ested in the effects of sexu­al repro­duc­tion on evol­u­tion. I primar­ily use lab exper­i­ments and the­or­et­ic­al ana­lyses to study fun­da­ment­al top­ics in quant­it­at­ive and pop­u­la­tion genet­ics, such as sexu­al selec­tion, spe­ci­ation, social effects, sexu­al con­flicts, phen­o­typ­ic plas­ti­city and mat­ing systems.

Mas­to­don: @LMarieOrleach@ecoevo.social

Stephen Montgomery, University of Bristol, UK.

I am inter­ested in how brains evolve to pro­duce beha­vi­our­al and eco­lo­gic­al diversity. To try to under­stand these links, my lab com­bines a range of approaches, includ­ing beha­viour and eco­logy, neuroana­tomy and devel­op­ment, and com­par­at­ive genomics.

X: @eohomo Bluesky: @ebablab.bsky.social

Michael Moore, University of Colorado Denver, USA.

I’m an evol­u­tion­ary eco­lo­gist who stud­ies adapt­a­tion, con­straint, and the evol­u­tion of spe­cies’ eco­lo­gic­al lim­its. I’m espe­cially inter­ested in the ways that mat­ing and repro­duc­tion shape how anim­als adapt to their envir­on­ments. My work integ­rates field, cit­izen-sci­ence, and com­par­at­ive approaches.

Bluesky: @moore-evo-eco.bsky.social

Charles Mullon, University of Lausanne, Switzerland.

I am inter­ested in the evol­u­tion­ary ori­gin and main­ten­ance of bio­lo­gic­al diversity in com­plex traits. I devel­op and ana­lyse math­em­at­ic­al mod­els to gen­er­ate gen­er­al and test­able pre­dic­tions about the eco­lo­gic­al con­di­tions that favour trait dif­fer­ences between indi­vidu­als and about the genet­ic basis of such differences.

X: @MullonDlm

Rob Noble, City St Georges, University of London, UK.

I use math­em­at­ic­al and com­pu­ta­tion­al mod­els to invest­ig­ate the evol­u­tion and eco­logy of can­cer, in col­lab­or­a­tion with exper­i­ment­al bio­lo­gists and clini­cians. My train­ing and interests also span infec­tious dis­ease mod­el­ling, evol­u­tion­ary eco­logy, and stat­ist­ic­al mod­els of molecu­lar evol­u­tion. My meth­ods include agent-based mod­els, ana­lys­is of dynam­ic­al sys­tems, stochast­ic pro­cesses, evol­u­tion­ary tree shape ana­lys­is, and Bayesian data analysis.

Bluesky: @robjohnnoble.bsky.social Mas­to­don: ecoevo.social/@robjohnnoble

Clarisse Palma da Silva, State University of Campinas, Brazil.

I have exper­i­ence in plant molecu­lar eco­logy and evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy. My stud­ies are focused on pop­u­la­tion genet­ics and gen­om­ics, tran­scrip­tom­ics, phylo­geo­graphy, spe­ci­ation and hybrid­isa­tion, and repro­duct­ive bio­logy. My work centres around defin­ing the eco­lo­gic­al and evol­u­tion­ary pro­cesses under­ly­ing spe­ci­ation in Neo­trop­ic­al Plants. 

Alexander Papadopulos, Bangor University, UK.

My research com­bines genet­ics and gen­om­ics with eco­lo­gic­al ana­lyses and exper­i­ments to study adapt­a­tion and spe­ci­ation. I’m par­tic­u­larly inter­ested in how organ­isms adapt to rap­idly chan­ging envir­on­ments, the degree of par­al­lel­ism dur­ing rap­id adapt­a­tion and the influ­ence this has on repro­duct­ive isolation. 

X: @metallophyte

Benjamin Parker, University of North Carolina Chapel Hill, USA.

I study anim­al-microbe inter­ac­tions. I’m par­tic­u­larly inter­ested in how these asso­ci­ations evolve and the under­ly­ing molecu­lar and immun­o­lo­gic­al mech­an­isms. My research blends gen­om­ic, micro­bi­o­lo­gic­al, and exper­i­ment­al tech­niques, and focuses on insects and their asso­ci­ated symbionts. 

Bluesky: @ben-parker.bsky.social

Darren Parker, Bangor University, UK.

I am inter­ested in the causes and con­sequences of dif­fer­ent repro­duct­ive strategies, focus­ing par­tic­u­larly on partheno­gen­es­is. I use a com­bin­a­tion of field­work, ’omics, and beha­vi­our­al ana­lyses in insects to address ques­tions in this area.

X: @DarrenJParker Bluesky: @darrenjparker.bsky.social

Jitka Polechova, University of Vienna, Austria.

My research focuses on advan­cing the­or­et­ic­al evol­u­tion­ary eco­logy to address fun­da­ment­al ques­tions about evol­u­tion of spe­cies’ ranges, lim­its to adapt­a­tion, coex­ist­ence, and speciation.

Bluesky: @polejit.bsky.social 

Francesca Raffini, Stazione Zoologica Anton Dohr​n, Italy.

As an evol­u­tion­ary and con­ser­va­tion bio­lo­gist, I am broadly inter­ested in under­stand­ing biod­iversity-gen­er­at­ing pat­terns and pro­cesses with­in and between pop­u­la­tions and spe­cies through the integ­ra­tion of evol­u­tion­ary, eco­lo­gic­al, gen­om­ic, morpho­met­ric, and physiolo­gic­al insights. This includes the basis of com­plex traits, repro­duct­ive isol­a­tion and coup­ling of bar­ri­ers to gene flow, small pop­u­la­tions dynam­ics, and lim­its to adapt­a­tion. In addi­tion to my sci­entif­ic interests, I am devoted to pro­mot­ing diversity, unique­ness, equity and kind­ness in research and beyond.

Bluesky: @francescaraffini.bsky.social X: @FraRaff_Delfina

Patrick Rohner, University of California San Diego, USA.

I integ­rate con­cepts and approaches from evol­u­tion­ary devel­op­ment­al bio­logy, evol­u­tion­ary eco­logy, and quant­it­at­ive genet­ics to bet­ter under­stand how bio­lo­gic­al diversity arises and evolves. Focus­ing on insects, I am espe­cially inter­ested in how plas­ti­city, devel­op­ment­al bias, and organ­ism-envir­on­ment inter­ac­tions shape phen­o­types and their evolution.

Bluesky: @patrickrohner.bsky.social

Melissah Rowe, Netherlands Institute of Ecology, Netherlands.

My research is primar­ily focused on under­stand­ing how eco­logy and evol­u­tion shape the repro­duct­ive bio­logy and beha­viour of indi­vidu­als, and the con­sequences of vari­ation in sexu­al traits for fit­ness. I am par­tic­u­larly inter­ested in the evol­u­tion and func­tion­al sig­ni­fic­ance of ejac­u­lates, and assess­ing how biot­ic and abi­ot­ic factors shape vari­ation in ejac­u­late traits. More broadly, I am inter­ested in under­stand­ing how eco­logy and sexu­al selec­tion shape adapt­a­tions that enable anim­als to sur­vive and repro­duce in dif­fer­ent environments. 

X: @melissah_rowe

Supreet Saini, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, India.

I am inter­ested in the­ory and devel­op­ing first prin­ciples mod­els to under­stand evol­u­tion­ary pro­cesses. I also use bac­teria and yeast as mod­el sys­tems to under­stand the genet­ic basis of adapt­a­tion and speciation.

Bluesky: @supreetsaini.bsky.social

Masahito Tsuboi, Lund University, Sweden.

I am inter­ested in the ori­gin and main­ten­ance of organis­mal biod­iversity across the tree of life. My research typ­ic­ally con­cerns two or more levels of bio­lo­gic­al organ­isa­tion, of which one is often mac­ro­e­volu­tion­ary infer­ences using phylo­gen­et­ic com­par­at­ive meth­ods. Recently, I became inter­ested in infer­ences that go across bio­lo­gic­al scales–from molecule to mac­ro­e­volu­tion or to eco­lo­gic­al community–and am par­tic­u­larly excited about learn­ing how we can com­bine dif­fer­ent approaches to help us in mak­ing such inferences.

X: @MasahitoTsuboi

Nikolaos Vakirlis, Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Greece.

I am a com­pu­ta­tion­al bio­lo­gist spe­cial­ised in evol­u­tion­ary gen­om­ics. I study the ori­gins of nov­el genes in both euk­a­ryotes and proka­ryotes with a par­tic­u­lar interest in the pro­cess of de novo gene birth, as well as the evol­u­tion­ary dynam­ics of anti­mi­cro­bi­al pep­tides across animals.

Bluesky: @vakirlis.bsky.social Linked­In: www.linkedin.com/in/nikolaos-vakirlis

Craig Walling, University of Edinburgh, UK.

I am an evol­u­tion­ary bio­lo­gist with an interest in under­stand­ing the evol­u­tion of com­plex traits. In par­tic­u­lar, I use quant­it­at­ive genet­ic approaches to estim­ate the genet­ic (co)variation of com­plex traits and the selec­tion act­ing on them to pre­dict and under­stand their short-term evol­u­tion. I use both wild and labor­at­ory sys­tems and focus on life his­tory traits and trade-offs and the evol­u­tion of ageing.

Qi Zhou, Zhejiang University, China.

I am inter­ested in sex chro­mo­some evol­u­tion and the sex determ­in­a­tion mech­an­isms of vari­ous anim­al species.

X: @zhouqi1982