Legal Notice

Updated: 26 Novem­ber 2020


European Soci­ety for Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (ESEB)
Molen­straat 156
6712 CW Ede
The Neth­er­lands

VAT iden­ti­fic­a­tion num­ber: NL 808077223B01

Com­mer­cial Register at Kamer van Koophan­del (KvK)
Register num­ber: 09216606

Contact Options

Dr. U. Moni­atte, Office Man­ager

Editorial Services

Respons­ible for con­tent:
Dr. N. Cook, Email:
Dr. U. Moni­atte, Email:

Social Media Accounts

This leg­al notice also applies to the fol­low­ing social media account(s):

Image credits

Image Sources and Copyright Notices:

Page “Home/Journal of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy”: Photo by Suz­anne D. Wil­li­ams on Unsplash
Page “Blog”: Photo by Vikt­or For­gacs on Unsplash
Page “Edit­or­i­al Board”: Photo by City Church Christ­ch­urch on Unsplash
Page “About”: Photo by Craig Prim­mer, Organ­iser ESEB2019

Liability and Intellectual Property Rights Information

Liab­il­ity Dis­claim­er: While the con­tent of this web­site has been put togeth­er with great care and reflects our cur­rent know­ledge, it is provided for inform­a­tion pur­poses without being leg­ally bind­ing, unless the dis­clos­ure of this inform­a­tion is required by law (e.g. the leg­al inform­a­tion), the pri­vacy policy, terms and con­di­tions or man­dat­ory instruc­tions for con­sumers) . We reserve the right to modi­fy or delete the con­tent, wheth­er in full or in part, provided this does not affect our exist­ing con­trac­tu­al oblig­a­tions. All web­site con­tent is sub­ject to change and non-binding.

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Copy­rights and Trade­marks: All con­tents presen­ted on this web­site, such as texts, pho­to­graphs, graph­ics, brands and trade­marks are pro­tec­ted by the respect­ive intel­lec­tu­al prop­erty rights (copy­rights, trade­mark rights). The use, repro­duc­tion, etc. are sub­ject to our rights or the rights of the respect­ive authors or rights owners.