Prof. Max Reuter, Editor-in-Chief, and Dr. Nicola Cook, Managing Editor.
Scientific publishing is increasingly moving towards Open Access, where articles are freely available to anyone to read. While this is a positive development in terms of access to knowledge, the decision of whether or where to publish Open Access can be complicated, with financial implications and funder requirements to consider. This post aims to address some questions you might have about publishing Open Access with JEB.
Why should I choose Open Access for my article?
For authors, the major benefits to publishing Open Access are that your work will be freely available for all to read and as a consequence will receive more exposure (Figure 1). In addition, you may be required to publish under an Open Access license as a condition of your research funding.

Open Access JEB articles are published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Licenses. The CC-BY license is the most permissive and permits commercial and non-commercial re-use of an open access article, as long as authorship is properly attributed.
Can I publish Open Access in JEB?
Yes. JEB operates under a “hybrid” publishing model which means that our content is available through a mixture of Open Access and subscription-based access. An article can be published Open Access for a fee, the Article Processing Charge (APC), and is then freely available to read, download and share. This contrasts with a subscription-based article, which can be published for free but is only accessible if the reader or their institution/university has a subscription to the journal.
Please note that some funders do not allow publication in hybrid journals, or do not cover the costs of doing so. Please check this before submission.
Who pays the APC?
For all its benefits, the major drawback of Open Access publishing is the fact that the cost of publication is at the point of publication. This can be a barrier to Open Access publishing where authors do not have funds to cover these costs. Many authors can publish Open Access without charge thanks to an ever-growing range of Transformative or Transitional Agreements, also known as “Read and Publish” deals, that our current publisher Wiley has put in place with numerous funders and institutions.
You can check whether your institution or funder is listed and view the eligibility criteria for publishing your article through a Wiley Open Access Account. When doing so, please note that a) it is often the corresponding author who needs to be registered with the participating institution or funder to qualify, and b) not all article types are eligible.
How much is the APC at JEB?
The APCs at JEB can be found here. Please note that members of the European Society for Evolutionary Biology (ESEB) are eligible for a 50% discount on the APC. You can join ESEB here to receive this benefit and support the evolutionary biology community. Contact the JEB editorial office for any queries regarding the discount.
Do I need to decide at submission whether to publish OA?
No. All financial matters relating to our articles are kept entirely separate from our editorial procedures and the decision whether to publish Open Access only needs to be taken once your article is accepted for publication. At this point, the manuscript will be passed into the hands of our production team, who will contact the corresponding author to ask whether the article is to be published Open Access. An outline of what will happen at that point can be viewed here.