Call for Editors

JEB is the flag­ship journ­al of the European Soci­ety of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy (ESEB). We pub­lish our journ­al in part­ner­ship with Oxford Uni­ver­sity press under a not-for-profit mod­el. Pro­ceeds from pub­lish­ing JEB are chan­nelled back into the evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy com­munity via ESEB ini­ti­at­ives such as travel awards for Early Career Research­ers, net­work­ing and meet­ing oppor­tun­it­ies and sup­port­ing the ESEB bien­ni­al congress. 

Our edit­or­i­al board con­sists of a small group of Hand­ling Edit­ors (who triage manu­scripts and make final decisions), sup­por­ted by a wider board of Asso­ci­ate Edit­ors (who over­see the peer review and recom­mend decisions to the Hand­ling Edit­ors). This struc­ture com­bines the advant­ages of con­sist­ency of decision-mak­ing through the Hand­ling Edit­ors who deal with many sub­mis­sions, and fine-grained, spe­cial­ist expert­ise through our Asso­ci­ate Edit­ors who over­see assess­ment of few­er manuscripts.

In addi­tion to the main board, JEB also has a Com­mis­sion­ing Edit­or, who soli­cits con­tent such as Spe­cial Issues and Reviews, and a Data Edit­or, who assesses the data archives asso­ci­ated with accep­ted manu­scripts. The edit­or­i­al board is sup­por­ted by a full-time Man­aging Edit­or who, along­side our Edit­or-in-Chief, is always on hand to provide sup­port in hand­ling manu­scripts and to advise on journ­al policy.

Call for applications

Associate Editors

We invite applic­a­tions for the Asso­ci­ate Edit­or role from across all areas of evol­u­tion­ary bio­logy, but would par­tic­u­larly encour­age indi­vidu­als with expert­ise in evol­u­tion­ary the­ory, life his­tor­ies, host-sym­biont inter­ac­tions and vir­al evol­u­tion to apply. We are also espe­cially inter­ested in applic­a­tions from those work­ing on plants.

Your tasks in the role would con­sist of

  • assess­ing sub­mis­sions assigned to you by a Hand­ling Edit­or for their gen­er­al suit­ab­il­ity to pub­lic­a­tion in JEB, 
  • secur­ing reviews,
  • recom­mend­ing decisions based on review­ers’ com­ments and your own reading,
  • pro­cessing all sub­mis­sions assigned to you in a timely manner,
  • being an ambas­sad­or for JEB in your community,
  • adher­ing at all times and in all aspects of your pro­fes­sion­al life to the ESEB Code of Ethics.

Ideal can­did­ates for this role have exper­i­ence as review­ers, pre­vi­ous exper­i­ence as an edit­or is use­ful but not essen­tial. We are happy to con­sider applic­a­tions from ECRs and can envis­age offer­ing a num­ber of juni­or pos­i­tions with a smal­ler work­load and ment­or­ing from more exper­i­enced editors.

For the cur­rent intake, the role has a 2‑year term. ESEB will provide free regis­tra­tion for AEs to attend the society’s conferences.

Handling Editor

We invite applic­a­tions for the Hand­ling Edit­or role from across all areas of evol­u­tion­ary biology.

Your tasks in the role would con­sist of

  • assess­ing sub­mis­sions for their gen­er­al suit­ab­il­ity to pub­lic­a­tion in JEB, 
  • assign­ing sub­mis­sions to Asso­ci­ate Editors,
  • issu­ing final decisions based on Asso­ci­ate Edit­or recom­mend­a­tions, review­ers’ com­ments and your own reading,
  • pro­cessing all sub­mis­sions assigned to you in a timely manner,
  • being an ambas­sad­or for JEB in your community,
  • adher­ing at all times and in all aspects of your pro­fes­sion­al life to the ESEB Code of Ethics.

Ideal can­did­ates for this role have pre­vi­ous exper­i­ence as an editor.

The role has a 4‑year term. The role attracts a yearly hon­or­ari­um of £4000 and free regis­tra­tion to attend the society’s conferences.

Commissioning Editor

We invite applic­a­tions for the Com­mis­sion­ing Edit­or role from across all areas of evol­u­tion­ary biology. 

Your tasks in the role would con­sist of

  • invit­ing and assess­ing pro­pos­als for Spe­cial Issues,
  • identi­fy­ing suit­able top­ics and soli­cit­ing sub­mis­sions of review articles,
  • over­see­ing Guest Edit­ors in the edit­or­i­al pro­cess of Spe­cial Issue contributions,
  • being an ambas­sad­or for JEB in your community,
  • adher­ing at all times and in all aspects of your pro­fes­sion­al life to the ESEB Code of Ethics.

Ideal can­did­ates for this role are well con­nec­ted and up to date on the evol­u­tion­ary lit­er­at­ure across areas. They must also be enthu­si­ast­ic about and will­ing to act­ively engage oth­ers in identi­fy­ing and secur­ing valu­able con­tent for the journal.

The role has a 4‑year term. The role attracts a yearly hon­or­ari­um of £4000 and free regis­tra­tion to attend the society’s conferences.

Application Procedure

To apply for an Edit­or pos­i­tion, please send the edit­or­i­al office a CV, a one-page cov­er let­ter describ­ing your motiv­a­tion for join­ing the JEB board and pre­vi­ous exper­i­ence qual­i­fy­ing you for this post, and keywords describ­ing the topic(s) of your research, the approaches used and the organism(s) of study. The dead­line for applic­a­tions is Monday 20th Janu­ary and we will select suit­able can­did­ates by late Janu­ary 2025.