Category: featured

Our new publisher

Max Reu­ter, Edit­or-in-Chief at JEB, Pro­fess­or at Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don We are pleased to announce that the Journ­al of Evol­u­tion­ary Bio­logy will move to Oxford Uni­ver­sity Press as…

Our new Editorial Board

Max Reu­ter, Edit­or-in-Chief at JEB, Pro­fess­or at Uni­ver­sity Col­lege Lon­don We are happy to intro­duce JEB’s new edit­or­i­al board! Fol­low­ing the announce­ment of the planned reor­gan­isa­tion last sum­mer, Man­aging Editor…

Data editing at JEB

Sebasti­an Lequime, Data Edit­or at JEB, Vir­o­lo­gist and Assist­ant Pro­fess­or at Uni­ver­sity of Gronin­gen I joined the edit­or­i­al team at JEB as “Data Edit­or” in May 2022. I…